Over the past couple of weeks we've been in contact with some game review sites, and three of them have decided to publish reviews on Cat Cave! It has been a very exciting and gratifying experience, and we are thrilled with the overall positivity of the reviews.
The first Cat Cave review came from a wonderful community called Woodbangers Entertainment. At the time when they reached out to me, I had been thinking of giving up - the download numbers weren't there and continuously releasing updates for 0 downloads seemed hopeless. This review (and the downloads that followed it) gave me the motivation to push onward and make another release.
Not long after that, a very nice second Cat Cave review came in from Appliv (they were technically the first to contact me, but the second to publish the review). I was also very excited to see that, while they were at it, Appliv also published a review of our first game Slapdash Bones.
Just this morning a third Cat Cave review came in from Orange Bison. Unfortunately there is an error in this review saying Cat Cave is only available on Android, however it is available for both Android and iOS (as you all know!). Very happy to have the review none-the-less, and this review came with some helpful suggestions for improvement!
As a developer this has been my first experience with having my games formally and publicly reviewed. I know that getting reviewers to write about your games is one of the big hurdles as an indie developer, and from what I've heard is one of the most important ways to boost downloads. We'll see how that goes!
As always thanks for reading, and please download Cat Cave on Android or iOS!